Talen Energy
Vyhodnocení investice
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+ 17 % + kupóny


7980 USD
Complete information
PPL Corporation
The name of the issue
PPL Corporation, 6% 15Dec2036
US dollar $
Emission volume
300,000,000 USD
The face value of the bond
Indicative market price
$615 USD
$385 USD
Coupon from face value
6% p.a
Coupon payout frequency
Due date
semi-annual salary
100% liquidity
Minimum volume
Yield to Maturity
11.86% pa - before taking into account all costs
Preferred scenario
79.47% pa - before taking into account all costs
B- (Fitch)
Hierarchy of debt
Senior uninsured
You can find the prospectus for the bonds here:
6.00% Senior Notes due 2036 - Prospectus
Important information
The market has only now begun to realize that the company is relatively good at transforming its coal assets ( 30% of production ) into cleaner sources. In addition, nuclear energy has started to be considered as a clean source in the future, which helps a lot.
The market is thus discounting the bond with the fact that considering the need for electricity production for a very long time to come, we prefer the bond due in 2036, which trades at $560 against the face value of $ 1000.
As soon as the market recognizes the successful transformation of the company, there is the potential for a really big return ( +70% ) with the absence of abnormal risk (rating B).
It should be noted that the rates have fallen to zero. For such a long bond, a drop in rates from 2.25% to zero affects the price by 26-35% of the nominal value.
That is if the market "calms down" to pre-covid values, the bond will cost $850-950.
Bond summary
Considering that little can be imagined more stable than the generation and delivery of electricity in the US, we see this opportunity as very attractive . The company will manage to switch 30% of its production to natural gas, which is plentiful and cheap in the US. The company set out correctly on the path of renewable resources. The company's assets are greater than its liabilities.
The company generates an average of $5 billion in revenue annually with $1 billion in EBITDA.
Total liabilities are 8 billion USD and total assets of $12.5 billion .